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Dr. Steve Truch is available to discuss a variety of topics related to reading development or challenges in children or literacy. Reach out to schedule an information session for your organization today!


The Reading Foundation is a private clinic offering unique and very specialized remedial and enrichment programs.

We change the lives of children who struggle with reading! We are committed to offering our students the best in evidence-based intervention, early learning and enrichment practices in Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto and Los Angeles. Our programs are research-driven and continually updated when new research shows the need for a change. The remedial programs address the learning needs of students of all ages and neurodiverse learning profiles in reading, spelling, comprehension, written language and math. These programs were created by Dr. Steve Truch, Science of Reading leader for over 30 years.

Early Learning

Whether you're looking to give your child a jump start into the reading process, or some extra help with reading, spelling, printing, or math, we've got a program for you.

One-to-one learning

Students receive an experience that is more educational therapy than tutoring thanks to our unique approach and delivery.


Some students just need a little something extra in order to perform to their potential. We odder a variety of personalized enrichment programs that are designed to enhance and enrich student's learning.

The Process

Learn about assessment process.

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