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Math, Reading, Comprehension & Writing Programs

Seek Remediation With The Reading Foundation  

If your child has fallen behind in math, reading, comprehension or writing, call The Reading Foundation. Our team can help improve their academic scores, but more importantly, can help them develop better, life-long habits for learning. Catching these issues early will set your child up for success. Our team of educators dedicates themselves to helping learners in Los Angeles, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver to build their confidence and self-esteem.

The Reading Foundation: Educators Who Change Lives

Our educators take a unique approach that resembles educational therapy rather than traditional tutoring. Each member of our team exemplifies patience, flexibility, and compassion when helping our students tackle their individual learning needs. School can be a very discouraging experience for students who are already struggling. We meet them exactly where they are in their learning journey, and help them to reach their potential!

Hear From Our Clients

The Reading Foundation has changed the lives of our clients for over 30 years. Our reading, comprehension, math, and writing programs help learners to tackle any hurdles they may face in their learning. Take a peek at some of our success stories below:

Tristan – Follow-Up

UPDATE (February 2019) – Tristan is sitting at an 87% overall on his report card! Way to go, Tristan!




Ta Otha Literacy Success

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Inspire Your Student to Achieve Their Highest Learning Potential!