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Meet the Vancouver Team



Director of Standards (National); Co-Director

Devan is the Director of Standards for all three of our locations, as well as the Co-Director for our Vancouver office. She has worked extensively in all aspects of The Reading Foundation including team leading, scheduling, training (both internally and externally), mentoring staff, program development and assessments. She was the Assistant Director for the Calgary clinic for many years. She assisted with opening the Toronto clinic in 2016 and was the Director of the Vancouver clinic for two years. She is an excellent leader and brings her knowledge to the students, parents and staff she works with. Devan has a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics from the University of Calgary and has worked for The Reading Foundation since 1999. When she isn’t working or volunteering, she enjoys traveling, reading, and almost every mountain activity.




Vancouver's Co-Director, Megan, is as compassionate as she is energetic. As a liaison between our clients, Team Leaders, and staff members, Megan is instrumental in scheduling, reception, and staff development. She is likely to be the one to answer your telephone enquiries and learn more about your child’s learning needs. Additionally, she assists in organizing and personalizing each student’s experience with us and forms strong and lasting bonds with her students. Hours with Megan are joyful, as well as productive as she is determined to help students get the most out of their time at The Reading Foundation. Megan has worked for The Reading Foundation since 2014 and, in her free time, can be found dining at her favourite restaurants and making memories with the people she loves.

Irina bio photo from the Vancouver team at The Reading Foundation


Team Leader

After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics from the University of Victoria in 2018, Irina soon joined The Reading Foundation team to pursue her passion in teaching and language. She continues to use her knowledge to help provide each student a meaningful and unique learning experience in all aspects around the clinic. As a Clinician, Office Coordinator, and Team Leader, Irina strives to help students build their skills and confidence to reach their fullest potential. She is dedicated to making their sessions enjoyable and development long-lasting. Outside of working at the clinic, Irina enjoys baking sweet treats and road-tripping around B.C.!

Want to join our team in Vancouver? Check out our career opportunities!

Vancouver Contact

3730 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6R 2C1




Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM


The Reading Foundation, 3730, West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6R 2C1, Canada

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Inspire Your Student to Achieve Their Highest Learning Potential!