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Dyslexia Help

The Discover Reading Program is grounded in evidence-based practices and is a highly effective intervention for students who are neurodivergent, particularly those with dyslexia. Dyslexia is a word reading disorder that stems from challenges in phonemic awareness, which then leads to subsequent difficulties with both spelling and reading words. The Discover Reading Program addresses these core difficulties by providing structured, sequential, and multisensory one-to-one intensive instruction. As highlighted by Dr. David Kilpatrick in his book Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties, The Discover Reading program’s approach aligns with the scientific research on word reading and helps delayed readers including those with dyslexia and who may also struggle with ADHD and ASD, achieve success. Dr. Kilpatrick cites the Discover Reading program, which focuses on such key ingredients as phonological processing and orthographic mapping, as one of the programs with Highly Successful outcomes as opposed to those with Modest or Minimal results.


The Discover Reading program incorporates multisensory techniques, which are particularly effective for neurodiverse students. These techniques and our decades of experience with such students, provides new avenues of success in learning, and builds their confidence and self-esteem, often dramatically.

Dr. Truch has organized an extensive data base which helps determine the number of hours a student would require in the Discover Reading program to “close the gap” between their current levels of spelling and reading and a level closer to their potential.

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