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Accomplished & Delayed Readers

Accomplished & Delayed Readers: A Seminar with Dr. Stephen Truch

Join Dyslexia BC on February 18, 2025, at 6:30 PM PST for an engaging online seminar featuring Dr. Stephen Truch from The Reading Foundation.

This event is designed for parents and educators seeking to deepen their understanding of effective strategies for teaching reading to meet the diverse needs of all learners, including those who struggle with severe dyslexia.

Dr. Truch will share his vision of “accomplished reading” and his insights and data from his decades-long experience in intensive reading interventions. He will also discuss evidence-based approaches that support both accomplished, delayed and dyslexic readers.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, ask questions, and connect with others passionate about improving literacy outcomes.

Registration is free, but spaces are limited!

Reserve your spot today.

Click here to register!